Graduate School: Taking the GRE… at home?

Add this to your list of things that are changing because of COVID-19.

ETS launched the GRE® General Test at home to meet the needs of students affected by test center closures. It’s the same valid and reliable GRE General Test, delivered to test takers at home. Monitoring of the test will be conducted using live remote proctors and artificial intelligence technology by ProctorU®, the leading proctoring solution for online testing. 

While some schools may waive the GRE due to partnership agreements with Hampden-Sydney College, or simply do not make it a requirement for admission, this is still often part of the graduate school admissions application process.

At home administrations are currently available around the clock every Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday through June 30, 2020. Learn more through their student microsite and please contact the Ferguson Career Center if you have additional questions.

Tiger Tip: While H-SC does have partnership agreements with certain schools that may waive the GRE, the GRE Board offers a Fee Reduction Program to support students who can demonstrate financial need, for those who are unemployed and receiving unemployment compensation, and for national programs that work with underrepresented groups.